Microbiology is one of the fastest growing biological disciplines today, its application in everyday life both in the fields of health, agriculture, farming, pharmacy, chemistry, industry, and othe…
This book is the result of a revision that has added material and changed the content structure. The book material added is about the concept of reproduction according to religion and custom, famil…
Topics covered include health assessment, nursing diagnosis, intervention planning, and evaluation of care outcomes. This new edition is complemented by case studies, clinical practice guidelines, …
Pemeriksaan Fisik Bedah sungguh akan dapat banyak membantu para dokter yang berkecimpung dalam ilmu bedah maupu para dokter umum, Juga akan sangat bermamfaat bagi para Mahasiswa Kedokteran dan parm…
Buku Keperawatan Medikal Bedah ini menawarkan pada perawat kemudahan dan kecepatan dalam mendapatkan informasi mengenai lebih dari 170 masalah medikal bedah. Ditulisdanditinjau ulang oleh perawat y…