This book was compiled to fill the scarcity of clinical nutrition books, especially those in Indonesian. In an effort to overcome the gap in opinion between doctors and nutritionists, this book con…
One of the most challenging aspects of nursing education for students is building knowledge, understanding pathophysiology, and the ability to apply this knowledge in practice. Good nursing practic…
Each chapter describes the subjective symptoms, e.g. pain, that led to seeking medical care, along with the common manifestations of a particular disease. For quick reference, the chapters are orga…
Pedoman ini baru memuat beberapa program kesehatan seperti Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak,.
Praktisi kesehatan yang merawat pasien penderita kanker atau infeksi HIV memainkan peran utama dalam menjamin bahwa pengkajian nutrisi dan intervensi nutrisi sesuai kebutuhan.
Istilah nama alkes, defenisi alkes,penggolongan alkes dan penggolongan alkes
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