This Health Research Methodology book basically explains the application of research principles and research methodology in the health sector. This book also explains the methods or principles of r…
Health promotion is an approach to increase the willingness and ability of the community to maintain and improve health. This book covers various theories of the concept of health promotion and rel…
The book presents a comprehensive review of the concepts, principles, and practices of public health. The writer combines scientific and artistic aspects in the public health approach, providing in…
Pemahaman terhadap metodologi penelitian merupakan dasar kemampuan untuk melakukan penelitian dalam rangka menyusun skripsi, tesis dan disertasi serta karya ilmiah lainnya. Baik bagi para praktisi …
Derajat kesehatan masyarakat dipengaruhi oleh 4 faktor utama,yakni:lingkungan,Perilaku,pelayanan kesehatan,dan keturunan (herediter). Karena itu upaya untuk memelihara dan meningkatkan derajat kese…