Case Management of Mental Disorders: CMHN (Intermediate Course) is an advanced reference from the series that we have published. This book guides community mental health nursing (CMHN) nurses to ca…
Mental health nursing care should be provided from the time the fetus is in the womb, infants, children, pre-school children, school children, adolescents, adults, and the elderly. This book is exp…
This book is an evidence-based textbook intended for midwifery students. This book is divided into 2 parts: the first part explains about postpartum care, focused postpartum care and early detectio…
Medical Surgical Nursing 1 is a book in the field of nursing written by Ni Ketut Kardiyudiani and Brigitta Ayu Dwi Susanti. This book is systematically compiled by considering the learning material…
The science that studies the use of drugs for diagnosis, prevention and cure of disease. This subject has been studied for thousands of years. In ancient times, pharmacists studied medicines from m…
Buku Pedoman Biorisiko Laboratorium Institusi merupakan buku yang berisi tentang bagaimana menerapkan keselamatan hayati (biosafety) dan keamanan hayati (biosecurity) saat bekerja di laboratorium b…
Materi yang dibahas dalam buku ini meliputi : ▪ Pendidikan Kesehatan ▪ Promosi Kesehatan ▪ Konsep Belajar dan Pembelajaran ▪ E-Learning Keperawatan ▪ Diagnosis Keperawatan NANDA…
Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak amat menentukan untuk tercapainya kualitas hidup yang baik pada keluarga dan masyarakat. Dewasa ini,kikta dihadapkan pada masih tingginya angka kematian ibu dan kematian anak…