Community midwifery is a series of skills and knowledge in providing midwifery services to mothers and children in the community in a certain area. This service includes efforts to prevent disease,…
The book covers the standard steps of the procedure, from tool preparation to execution and evaluation, with an emphasis on patient safety and the application of nursing standards. In addition, the…
In this book, medical personnel, especially nurses, are at the forefront of providing medical services, health treatment, and interacting directly with the community. In this context, health worker…
This book provides a global overview of the neural structure of the human brain so that it can be studied by those who do not study biology in depth, especially those in the field of human behavior.
This book is a textbook for pediatric nursing for healthy child nursing competencies. This book is intended for nursing students. After studying it, students are expected to be able to assess and e…
A midwife must be ready to face challenges (Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs) or the Sustainable Development Goals program which is valid until 2030. This book aims to provide guidance to midw…
Buku ini memuat 234 hal tentang kehamilan dan melahirkan yang wajib diketahui oleh calon ibu dan ayah, sebagian daripadanya adalah mitos-mitos yang selama ini sering kita dengar mengenai proses keh…
Mencapai keseimbangan yang tepat antara teori, pedoman berbasis pada bukti, dan pengalaman praktis dan kebijaksanaan praktisi merupakan tantangan tersendiri bagi setiap generasi perawat maupun tena…