Books about medicinal plants, herbal books, have been widely circulated in the community. However, the book that readers are facing right now. Indonesian Medicinal Plants Book 1 is different in foc…
Morinda citrifolia or noni is not a foreign plant to us. This book explains everything related to noni: its origins, the substances contained in noni, and its properties and benefits. Also how to m…
The development of nutritional science has occurred very rapidly at home and abroad, especially in the eighties, thanks to the increasing results of the discovery of the latest techniques, methods …
ambien, batuk, campak dll.
Buku ini adalah tuntunan kuliah Biologi Sel tingkat lanjut bagi peserta pendidikan S2-S3 Ilmu Kedokteran Dasar dan pendidikan Dokter Spesialis.Sifatnya hanya pengantar,karena itu yang diberikan dis…