buku ini membahas para mahasiswa mengeluh karena kesulitan dalam menempuh dalam kepaniteraan klinik, terutama dalam menghadapimasa ujian praktik
Melalui buku ini penulis mencoba menghimpun materi-materi pokok yang relevan dan berkaitan dengan Kesehatan Reproduksi dan Kontrasepsi. Ruang lingkup kesehatan reproduksi sangat luas dan permasalah…
Human basic needs are defined as the drivers of people‘s actions or the wants of people for living a healthy and stable life. The basic hierarchy of needs process is one of the major approaches t…
This book reviews the development of the midwifery profession, the role of the organisation in improving the quality of maternal and child health services, and the contribution of midwives to healt…
As a psychological creature, every human being has unique personality and has a personality structure consisting of id, ego, and super ego is equipped with intellect and intelligence, so that it ca…