The book describes various evidence-based approaches to wound care, including cleansing techniques, dressing selection, and methods to optimise tissue healing. The author also pays special attentio…
The book covers various basic and advanced techniques in wound suturing, including thread selection, suture types, and tools used. In addition, the book provides detailed steps for managing differe…
Buku saku ini dapat dijadikan rujukan awal dan alat belajar tentang anatomi manusia. Format buku yang ringkas dan berupa tabel&mdashdan difokuskan pada topik-topik dan bagian yang sangat pentin…
buku ini membahas tentang penatalaksanaan gawat darurat pada keadaan-keadaan yang mengancam jiwa
The book reviews the steps in managing acute burns, including initial patient stabilisation, pain management, and wound care using modern techniques. The author also highlights the importance of a …
Trauma patients in Indonesia will arrive at the ER/RS between 15 minutes to 4 hours and even longer due to the absence of Pre-Hospital Emergency Services - Emergency Ambulance 118 (AGD 118). In con…
This book discusses the anatomical aspects of the mandible, mechanisms of injury, radiographic diagnostic techniques, and therapeutic options such as closed and open reduction. The authors provide …
A midwife is trained to help pregnant women deliver their babies. Certified midwives usually receive a license to practice midwifery. Lay midwives perform duties but are not officially licensed whi…
The book covers the standard steps of the procedure, from tool preparation to execution and evaluation, with an emphasis on patient safety and the application of nursing standards. In addition, the…