Stroke is an attack that is feared by everyone as they get older. However, most people only know stroke as the cause of paralysis of half the body and speech disorders (slurred speech). This book w…
The issue of anti-aging has just begun, with a marked increase in the composition of the elderly population in Indonesia. Apart from the living environment and facilities for a better life, the inc…
Disasters cannot be predicted. An accident or emergency can happen to anyone, it is unexpected and can happen at any time without prior warning. Emergency means that the situation must be resolved …
This book is a comprehensive guide to cholesterol, its role in the body, and the health risks associated with high cholesterol levels. The book discusses the causes and effects of hypercholesterole…
Did you know that getting enough sleep can be called a vitamin for our body? Together with the youth expedition team, we will be invited to explore outer space while learning how to live a healthy …
Makanan sehat adalah mengenai cara memilih makanan yang seimbang, dan merasakan yang terbaik secara fisik serta mental bagi diri anda.
Pemerintah telah menetapkan Angka Kecukupan Gizi yang Dianjurkan (AKG) dan Angka Kecukupan Energi (AKE) sebagai standar kebutuhan dan penyediaan makanan yang memenuhi kaidah mutu dan gizi, serta am…
The biggest cause of death in the world is heart and cerebral blood vessel (cardio-cerebro-vascular) disease. More than 50% of them are directly related to diabetes. The scary fact is that one pers…