The book integrates midwifery theory, group dynamics, and collaboration models to provide a holistic approach to supporting pregnancy and childbirth. The authors emphasize the importance of teamwor…
The book covers the basic principles of antenatal, intranatal and postnatal care, with an emphasis on women's empowerment, evidence-based decision-making and the midwife's role in ensuring the safe…
Keluarga sehat dan sejahtera dengan kualitas hidup yang baik,di antaranya dari segi ibu dan anak,adalah merupakan pertimbangan yang penting. Telah hampir satu abad kita berupaya agar dapat menolong…
This book reviews operative procedures such as cesarean section, obstetric hysterectomy, and other instrumental measures with a safe and effective technique approach. In addition, the social obstet…
The physiology section discusses the normal pregnancy process, anatomical and physiological changes during pregnancy, and the mechanism of labor. Meanwhile, the pathology section describes various …
A classic reference book in obstetrics that integrates clinical and social aspects of maternal health. This edition includes a complete discussion of operative obstetric techniques, including surgi…
kelainan lama kehamilan kelainan tempat kehamilan dan kelainan telur plasenta air ketuban cacat dan gangguan janin
This management includes prevention, promotion of normal childbirth, detection of complications in mothers and children and access to medical or other appropriate assistance and carrying out emerge…