Given the rapid development of surgery, and the scarcity of similar books written in Indonesian, we are trying to translate this book to add to the repertoire of knowledge in this field. This fifth…
Known for its reliable, clinically focused content, Swearingen's Manual of Medical-Surgical Nursing provides a quick reference to 125 of the most commonly encountered medical-surgical conditions. E…
Materi yang dibahas dalam buku ini meliputi : ▪ Konsep Kesehatan Masyarakat ▪ Konsep Dasar Epidemiologi ▪ Isu Kesehatan Lingkungan ▪ Surveilans Epide…
This book is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the management of diseases and injuries of the nervous system, including head trauma, brain tumours, spinal diseases and cerebral v…
Walaupun demikian, Buku Bedah dan Perawatannya ini saya tujukan tidak hanya siswa parmedis,tetapi juga saya harapkan bermamfaat bagi kaum awam yangingin memperdalam pengetahuannya dibidang kesehata…
This book discusses various methods to manage pain during labour. It offers comprehensive guidance on pain management techniques, including pharmacological and non-pharmacological approaches, such …
When others think it is impossible and underestimate the idea of creating a breastfeeding support group, there are some people who remain enthusiastic to start this movement. Their great moti…