Buku Teks
100 Question & Answers Kanker pada Wanita
This book is dedicated to all women who care about the health of their female organs, especially against cancer attacks. With an easy-to-understand language style and a question and answer format, it makes it easier for readers to understand the ins and outs of cancer in women according to everyday problems. In this book, all cancer problems in women are thoroughly discussed, such as - what are cancers in women - what are the causes of cancer - how to recognize the signs of cancer - how to do early detection of cancer - what examinations should be done - what are the stages - what should cancer sufferers do - and much more Now is the time for women to care about cancer that can eat away at their bodies at any time. This book is the right guide to knowing and preventing cancer, Dr. dr Sutoto, M.Kes - Director of Dharmais Hospital. This book enlightens women about the importance of knowing the ins and outs of cancer and how to do early detection and prevention, Linda Amelia Sari Gumelar, SIP - Minister of State for Women's Empowerment and Child Protection. A smart and healthy generation starts with a woman's health. This book is the right guide to realizing women's health free from cancer, Dr. Prijo Sidipratomo, SpRad (K) - Chairman of the Indonesian Doctors Association
2400103985 | 616.99 IMA s | Perpustakaan Terpadu - Polkesjati (RB. 45 D) | Tersedia |
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