Buku Teks
Geriatrics Guidelines in Medicine Volume 1
Old people may,as individuals,present with a daunting and bewildering array of problems: Physica, Psychological and Social. An expertise has evoled to help deal with these problems. The underlying principle is that old people are ill, not because of their age, but because of some disease process. This process is frequently complicated by economic and social deprivation and so a holistic approach to the patient and his illnes is constantly emphasized as an essential part of effective practice. Because of differences in desease presentation in the elderly the text includes a comprehensive system review highlighting the more commonly encountered conditions and special emphasis is also given to such important topics as incontinence,dementia,falls and stroke rehabilitation. Drug treatment may present difficulties and the altered pharmacokinnetics of old age are described in addition to the detailed advice on dosage and side-effects that is given throughout the text.
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