Gaya APA
M.wilkinson, Judith. (2005).
Prentice hall nursing diagnosis handbook with NIC and NOC interventions and NOC outcomes. .
New Jersey USA:
New Jersey : Pearson Education.
Gaya Chicago
M.wilkinson, Judith.
Prentice hall nursing diagnosis handbook with NIC and NOC interventions and NOC outcomes..
New Jersey USA:
New Jersey : Pearson Education,
Buku Teks.
Gaya MLA
M.wilkinson, Judith.
Prentice hall nursing diagnosis handbook with NIC and NOC interventions and NOC outcomes..
New Jersey USA:
New Jersey : Pearson Education,
Buku Teks.
Gaya Turabian
M.wilkinson, Judith.
Prentice hall nursing diagnosis handbook with NIC and NOC interventions and NOC outcomes..
New Jersey USA:
New Jersey : Pearson Education,
Buku Teks.