Gaya APA
Potter, Patricia Ann.. (1989).
Fundamentals Of Nursing Concepts Proces And Practice .
St.Baltimore. Toronto:
The C. V. Mosby Company.
Gaya Chicago
Potter, Patricia Ann..
Fundamentals Of Nursing Concepts Proces And Practice.
St.Baltimore. Toronto:
The C. V. Mosby Company,
Buku Teks.
Gaya MLA
Potter, Patricia Ann..
Fundamentals Of Nursing Concepts Proces And Practice.
St.Baltimore. Toronto:
The C. V. Mosby Company,
Buku Teks.
Gaya Turabian
Potter, Patricia Ann..
Fundamentals Of Nursing Concepts Proces And Practice.
St.Baltimore. Toronto:
The C. V. Mosby Company,
Buku Teks.