Gaya APA

Kelley, Robert. (1982). The Shaping Of The American Past Volume 12 (Third). Oradel,New Jersey: Prentiee-Hall,Inc..

Gaya Chicago

Kelley, Robert. The Shaping Of The American Past Volume 12. Third Oradel,New Jersey: Prentiee-Hall,Inc., 1982. Buku Teks.

Gaya MLA

Kelley, Robert. The Shaping Of The American Past Volume 12. Third Oradel,New Jersey: Prentiee-Hall,Inc., 1982. Buku Teks.

Gaya Turabian

Kelley, Robert. The Shaping Of The American Past Volume 12. Third Oradel,New Jersey: Prentiee-Hall,Inc., 1982. Buku Teks.