Buku Teks
The Nurse As Manager
Just as the nurse's role has expanded in relation to patient care responsibilities,so has it expaded in relation to management funtions. But litle attention has been paid to the nurse,s rol as manager compared with that paid to the expanded role of the nurse practitioner or clinical specialist. Therefore,nurses,who comprise the stingle largest group of healthcare providrs,often find thenselves ploced in management positions for which they have had little formal or infomal prepaation. The purpose of this book is to help resolve this problem by providing practicing nurses and professional nursing students whit a pratical guide to management knowledge,sklills,and techniques as they apply to practice in clinical agencies. MY intention is to help ease the transition from the role of nursig student to student to nurse-manager or from staff nure to nursing suprvisor,head nurse,or nursing administrator,by preparing the reader for some of the realities of pratice. I also hope to increase the reader's awareness of the many factors that determine how effectively he or she will funtion in a mangement role. Through out the book,actual situations from various practice settings-situations with which the reader can readily identify-are included to illustrate points made in the texts.
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