The book integrates gender-responsive care principles and human rights-based approaches, emphasising the importance of gender equity, effective communication, and respect for women's unique experie…
This book outlines the theories, concepts, and basic principles of midwifery care based on the individual needs of patients, which support the physical and emotional well-being of women in various …
This book consists of five chapters, the first chapter discusses the issue of violence against women, the second chapter on gender, the third chapter discusses domestic violence, the fourth chapter…
The discourse in this book enriches knowledge about planning and regulating the reproductive process, which is part of women's human rights. In this way, women can be free from fear, pressure and v…
This book is an institutional memory that records LIPI's footprints and actions in developing gender and science and technology perspectives in Indonesia. Gender and science and technology activiti…
This book offers a comprehensive exploration of how gender influences psychological processes and experiences. It delves into the roles and expectations associated with gender, examining their imp…
Masalah kesenjangan gender sudah disadari sejak lama,tetapi data yang relevan dengan masalah tersebut belum lengkap sampai sekarang. Kesenjangan tersebut perlu diketahui untuk mengefektifkan pelak…
Statistik Gender