This book presents a comprehensive introduction to public health science, compiled by Sjarifah Salmah with the aim of providing a solid understanding of the concepts, theories and practices in this…
Infant health screening is a crucial aspect of monitoring children's growth and development from an early age. In this book, the author summarizes a multidimensional approach to conducting an infan…
This second edition of the book provides a multi-professional introduction to key concepts of public health and epidemiology. What's new in this edition: - Historical perspective - Public health …
This book is an official guide published by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia (DEPKES RI) that aims to provide guidance on health maintenance and improvement for individuals in tw…
The Elderly Health Guidebook Series I was published for the sixth time as a result of the refinement of past editions through a Guidebook refinement meeting held in Bandung, January 28-February 1, …
A book contains the Codification of Traditional Medicine Legislation
A book containing the Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 101 of 2007 concerning Ratification of the International Convention Against Doping in Sport (International Conventi…
terapi utama dalam keperawatan jiwa. Terapi ini di berikan dalam upaya mengubah perilaku pasien dari perilaku maladaptif menjadi perilaku adaptif.