The guidelines are designed to assist health practitioners in providing optimal care, including the administration of antibiotics, fluid management, and appropriate nutrition. This book is an essen…
One of the principles of child development is that current child development can affect development at the next stage. Therefore, parents should stimulate child development at that age so that the …
This book was created for students, Faculty of Medicine who are studying Pediatrics, however this book can also be utilized by general practitioners to be more accurate in making a diagnosis of ped…
The book integrates the science of pathophysiology with concepts of molecular biology, genetics, and disease mechanisms. This updated edition provides an in-depth explanation of the biological and …
It outlines a comprehensive strategy for providing health services tailored to the unique needs of children with disabilities, emphasizing the importance of family-centered care. It provides practi…
We have designed this book to be easy to read and understand. We begin with the main topics, such as bleeding in children based on the cause, bleeding from a fall is different from bleeding from a …
The book presents detailed clinical protocols for a wide range of medical conditions commonly encountered in children, from mild health problems to more complex illnesses. Each chapter is designed …
This guideline was developed by the Indonesian Ministry of Health in collaboration with IDAI, which is a standard instrument for stimulation, detection and early intervention of child growth and de…