Obstetri dan Ginekologi sejarah pelayanan kebidanan di Indonesiasangat menyedihkan,dan boleh dikatakan terlantar. Di Jaman beliau pertolongan persalinan seluruhnya dilakukan oleh dukun beranak sehi…
buku ini membahas para mahasiswa mengeluh karena kesulitan dalam menempuh dalam kepaniteraan klinik, terutama dalam menghadapimasa ujian praktik
This book provides everything a clinician needs to know about obstetrics and gynaecology in a succinct, bulleted format. The content is limited to only the essential facts necessary for assessment …
This book provides a comprehensive guide to primary care specifically for women. It discusses important topics related to women's health, including prevention, early diagnosis, and management of co…
This book presents complete guidelines on the diagnosis, prevention, and management of cancers affecting the female reproductive organs, such as cervical, ovarian, and endometrial cancers. Accompan…
This book discusses the problems faced by humanity, the background of social obstetrics and gynecology in Indonesia, and the goals of obstetrics education. Social Obstetrics and Gynecology (Obsos)…
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is common in women and is estimated to affect 10-15% of women worldwide. This disease is the culprit of menstrual disorders and infertility in women of reproductive…
This book is a development of basic knowledge of obstetrics and gynecology and its management by including prevention efforts to take into account environmental factors related to the phenomenon of…
This book is a practical guide designed to provide basic knowledge and essential information on various aspects of women's health. The book is organized in a dictionary format that makes it easy fo…