Occupational safety and health (OSH) is all activities that ensure and protect the safety and health of workers through efforts to prevent occupational accidents and occupational diseases. This OSH…
Fluid, electrolyte and acid-base disorders are quite common in clinical practice. This book is intended as an additional reference for doctors who treat hospitalized patients. Most of the contents …
Buku ini merupakan sejenis LECTURE NOTES atau Catatan Kuliah yang sangat praktis dan berguna bagi mereka yang belajar ilmu laboratorium klinik medis. Edisi kedua ini berorientasi ke klinik dan menc…
In 1956 this handbook was born by the Clinical Pathology Section of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, in the form of loose sheets of stenciled paper. Undergoing various changes in i…
Laboratory examination is a procedure for conducting examinations that can help doctors determine the diagnosis of disease. In a laboratory examination, materials or samples from the patient are ta…
The material covered in this book includes: ▪ Laboratory Examination: Introduction ▪ Laboratory Examination: Hematology Examination ▪ Laboratory Examination: Urinalysis Laboratory Testing…
This book is a scientific guide that discusses various genetic techniques used in modern laboratories. The book covers the basic concepts of molecular genetics, DNA, RNA, and protein analysis metho…
This book is a handbook for vocational students majoring in Medical Laboratory Technology that explains in detail the various aspects of hematology science which includes blood composition, functio…