This book is a comprehensive visual guide to the different types of parasites that play a role in human infections. It features clear and detailed microscopic images, complemented by diagnostic des…
This book serves as a comprehensive visual guide to the identification of parasitic worms frequently encountered in medical practice. With clear illustrations and detailed descriptions, this atlas …
Anatomi manusia
The third edition Atlas was published in 1992 and is now out of print. We decided to produce the fourth edition in CD-ROM as it will be more affordable to the users in the developing acountries whe…
Penyakit yang disebabkan oleh parasit cacing masih banyak dijumpai di Indonesia. beberapa jenis cacing bulat (Nematoda)terutama yag termasuk dalam kelompok cacing usus sangat prevalen. Di beberapa …
Embriologi dikenal sebagai bidang ilmu yang kompleks dan luas. Namun,dengan buku ini,yang dilengkapi 176 gambar berwarna yang menarik,para pembaca dengan mudah dapat memahami ilmu tersebut. Menging…
Entomologi Kedokteran