Pekan Ilmiah Dies Natalis Universitas Indonesia Ke-50 Program Pendidikan Kedokteran Berkelanjutan kali ini berisi masalah Kedaruratan Bedah dan Non Bedah''serta Deteksi Dini Kanker. Diamblinya kdua…
This book is an important guide that provides new hope for cancer patients and their families. The book thoroughly explores cancer, from risk factors, early detection, to the various treatment meth…
Psycho-oncology is a young disclipine that eveloped during the second half of the last century in responce to the many psychosocil challenges that cancer brings. Its clinical focus is tofoster acti…
Cancer is to a large extent avoidable. Many cancers can be prevented. Others can be detecded early in their development,treated and cured. Even with late stage cancer,thhe pain can be reduced,the p…
Skin biology Aetiological factor in cutaneous malignancy