This book discusses various aspects of cataract disease, from its causes, symptoms, and treatment options. It explains the mechanism of cataract formation as a result of ageing, trauma, or systemic…
This book is a comprehensive guide for nurses in managing patients with musculoskeletal system disorders. This book discusses the basic concepts of anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal sys…
Musculokeletal conditions have an enormous impact on society. Today,musculoskeletal conditions have become the most common cause of disability and severe long-term pain in the industrialized world.…
Highly readable and rich with engaging case studies and learning tools, Brunner & Suddarth’s Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing, 14th Edition delivers the complete nursing foundation students n…
Buku Keperawatan Medikal Bedah ini menawarkan pada perawat kemudahan dan kecepatan dalam mendapatkan informasi mengenai lebih dari 170 masalah medikal bedah. Ditulisdanditinjau ulang oleh perawat y…
This sixth edition is a comprehensive guide that focuses on the diagnosis and management of surgical diseases. It covers topics ranging from clinical evaluation, diagnostic procedures, to the manag…
This book summarizes important medical information, including disease diagnosis, pharmacological therapy, and emergency treatment. Equipped with tables, diagrams, and drug usage guidelines, this bo…
Penderita kanker paru walaupun jumlahnya masih kecil dibandingkan dengan pederita TB.Paru,tetapi dari tahun ke tahun menunjukan peningkatan. Hal ini disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor antara lain maki…
Buku ini berisikan tentang kanker yaitu penyakit akibat pemebelahan sel abnormal yang tak terkendali dan dapat menyerang jaringan disekitarnya dan penyakit kanker dapat sdicegah dengan membuday…
This guidebook was developed as a guide for community health workers to effectively detect and manage certain cancers. It covers practical steps for early detection, diagnosis and management of can…