Materi yang dibahas dalam buku ini meliputi : ▪ Konsep Kesehatan Masyarakat ▪ Konsep Dasar Epidemiologi ▪ Isu Kesehatan Lingkungan ▪ Surveilans Epide…
This book is dedicated to all women who care about the health of their female organs, especially against cancer attacks. With an easy-to-understand language style and a question and answer format, …
This book provides correct and comprehensive information on HIV AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) aimed at adolescents in schools, campuses, workplaces and youth organizations includi…
This book is a collection of tips for unmarried women related to general health and reproductive health and sexuality in preparing themselves for marriage. This book focuses more on women without i…
Public health plays an important role in efforts to improve the quality of human resources, poverty alleviation and economic development. The Human Development Index places health as one of the mai…
Mental Health Counseling TOT Module for Psychiatrists, Psychologists and Mental Health Program Managers in Provincial Health Offices At this time there are many mental health problems that require…
In order for the community to be able to play an active role in public health efforts, it is necessary for the community to have sufficient knowledge in the health sector, have a positive attitude …