This book is expected to increase our knowledge about the history of the development of herbal medicine which is an ancestral heritage of our Indonesian people. Hopefully this book can also be one …
The kidneys are one of the body's organs that play an important role in regulating metabolic waste products and regulating the body's hemeostasis.
This book discusses the digestive tract including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and these disorders can be overcome by various kinds of plants that grow around the residence.
merawat kesehatan agar tubuh senantiasa dalam kondisi prima dan menyembuhkan penyakit dengan pijat dan jamu adalah ciri khas nenek moyang dinusantara ini.
perawatan kecantikan secara tradisional perawatan kesehatan atau penyembuhan dengan cepat dan pembuatan obat obatan secara tradisional
menyembuhkan nyeri kepala dengan kentang ...