Pathophysiology is the foundation that helps health workers understand how diseases develop, how they affect body functions, and how these conditions can be identified and managed. This book is des…
Das Verständnis und der sichere Umgang mit der medizinischen Fachsprache gehören zu den Grundvoraussetzungen für Pflegeberufe. Dieses Buch bietet in alphabetischer Reihenfolge leicht verständli…
In this book, medical personnel, especially nurses, are at the forefront of providing medical services, health treatment, and interacting directly with the community. In this context, health worker…
This textbook of family nursing: theoretical and practical research discusses the complete practice of family nursing from assessment to intervention. This book is very applicable so that it can be…
This book contains discussions that are needed in the field of nursing because communication is very important in all aspects. The book Communication in Nursing has advantages in the discussion t…
Potter and Perry’s Fundamentals of Nursing, 4th ANZ edition ebook is the leading fundamentals text for nursing students in Australia and New Zealand. The dynamic fourth edition of Potter and Per…
Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry are branches of Biology. This book describes the basic and developmental biological sciences, especially in the field of nursing.
This book is a comprehensive reference intended for nurses and nursing students to understand the basic principles of microbiology and parasitology relevant to nursing practice. The book presents i…
Contains terms of concern to all nurses and terms relevant to specific areas of nursing practice, many entries delve deeper into issues, referencing each other reminding readers to refer to related…