This book is an essential reference in pharmacology, which summarizes the latest information on drugs that are frequently used in clinical practice. The book provides detailed explanations of vario…
The purpose of this reference guide is to provide the clinician with a comprehensive list of brand (trade) names and the corresponding active ingredients for prescription and non- prescription prod…
informatorium obat nasional
Dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan informasi obat yang akurat,tidak bias,ringkas dan disajikan dengan format baku,yang diperlukan oleh para praktisi di bidang kesehatan,seperti dokter,apoteker dan per…
berisi pokok-pokok bahasan yang memberi pengetahuan tentang perkembangan obat dari masa kemasa, atau dari zaman dahulu ke zaman sekarang / modern.
The expert Committee on Specificatios for Pharmaceutical Preparations Works Towards clear,independent and practical standards and guielines for the quality assurance of medicines. Standar are devel…