Stroke is a chronic disease whose healing is not easy and time-consuming because it is an accumulation of various previous diseases, and has an impact not only on the sufferer but also on his famil…
Stroke is an attack that is feared by everyone as they get older. However, most people only know stroke as the cause of paralysis of half the body and speech disorders (slurred speech). This book w…
Stroke Management with an Evidence-Based Medicine Approach is expected to be used as a reference for comprehensive therapy guidelines The purpose of writing this book is to provide an overview of t…
Whoever you are, whether stroke patients, their families, or health workers such as nurses, doctors, other health professionals need to read this book. The book discusses stroke broadly from the as…
Gillen's Stroke Rehabilitation: A Function-Based Approach, 3rd Edition is the only comprehensive, evidence-based stroke rehabilitation resource for occupational therapists. Extensively updated with…
Patofisiologi, konsep klinis proses-proses penyakit membahas patologi pada sistem-sistem tubuh utama. pengenalan terhadap patologi umum mekanisme penyakit, pembahasan rinci tentang patologi pada si…
This book is a guide written by Muhammad Irfan, an experienced physiotherapy practitioner, which aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the importance of physiotherapy in the rehabilitation o…
Apakah anda pernah mengalami beberapa gejala, seperti mata menonjol, koma, gamang, demam tinggi, perasaan tidak nyaman, serta gejala-gejala lain yang bisa dikatakan kronis, seperti sakit kepala ber…