STDs are infections that are transmitted through sexual intercourse with an infected partner. STDs have a broader meaning than the term "venereal disease" which indicates one of its transmissions. …
This textbook "Basic Concepts of Midwifery Skills" provides information to students about basic skills in clinical midwifery practice. This book contains and explains basic human concepts, skills i…
Emergency is an event that can never be predicted and requires immediate treatment by health workers including midwives. Emergency is a condition due to injury or non-injury that threatens the pati…
This book consists of five chapters, the first chapter discusses the issue of violence against women, the second chapter on gender, the third chapter discusses domestic violence, the fourth chapter…
This book discusses the importance of maintaining hygiene during menstruation, especially for teenagers. The book provides practical guidance on how to take care of oneself during menstruation, inc…
Sehubungan dengan telah selesainya penyusunan Pedoman dan Penulisan Usulan Proposal dan hasil Laporan Karya Tulis Ilmiah bagi mahasiswa DIII kebidanan dengan waktu yang tepat. Pedoman ini sebagai a…
Dua dekade telah berlalu semenjak Pan American Health Organization menerbitkan edisi pertama panduan ini.Selama tahun-tahun tersebut,metode pencegahan bencana,mitigasi,dan kesiapsiagaan bencana tel…