skema penatalaksanaan PMS dan pedoman penatalaksanaan kasus PMS
This book provides an overview of the role of the Bureau of Communication and Public Services as the Ministry of Health's ‘spokesperson’ work unit, which is used as a guide for communication st…
This book provides correct and comprehensive information on HIV AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) aimed at adolescents in schools, campuses, workplaces and youth organizations includi…
This book aims to provide readers and healthcare professionals with guidance on relevant and quality literature in the fields of health, medicine, and nursing sciences. Each review includes a criti…
This guideline was developed by the Indonesian Ministry of Health in collaboration with IDAI, which is a standard instrument for stimulation, detection and early intervention of child growth and de…
This guideline was developed by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia with the aim of providing practical guidance in applying acupressure techniques to improve the health of the elde…
salah satu riset skala nasional yang berbasis komunitas dan telah dilaksanakan secara berkala oleh Badan Litbangkes Kemenkes RI, yang hasilnya telah banyak dimanfaatkan untuk tujuan perencanaan, pe…
Dalam upaya membekali Tim Pembina UKS Pusat dan Daerah serta semua pihak yang terkait dengan UKS, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan telah menyusun Pedoman Pembinaan dan Pengembangan UKS. Sei…
Laporan Kinerja 2015 ini berupaya menggambarkan berbagai capaian kinerja yang dapat diraih oleh Kementerian Kesehatan selama Tahun 2015 dengan membandingkannya terhadap target kinerja yang telah di…