This book contains one of the courses in the midwifery academy curriculum and this book was compiled to assist the teaching and learning process of students at the midwifery academy by compiling so…
This handbook explains in detail about health services in newborns that every nurse and midwife as well as nursing and midwifery students need to know in order to carry out perfect service actions …
The book Pathology and Physiology of Childbirth discusses Dystocia and Basic Concepts of Childbirth consists of 2 parts, namely the pathology of childbirth section which discusses childbirth comp…
This book is based on the needs of lectures, especially for student lectures in the field of midwifery. Each chapter in this book outlines the main material and exercises. Each exercise is also uni…
This is a book of chemistry analysis consisting of 9 chapters that present material containing the determination of levels by means of acid-base titration complexometry redox titration then how to …
The OSCE National Examination Guidebook is a guideline for implementing the OSCE exam as well as an element of quality assurance for the D-III and D-IV/S.Tr Medical Laboratory Technology Study Prog…
This pocket book of Law Number 17 of 2023 concerning Health is an effort by the Ministry of Health in implementing socialization to the wider community regarding the main substances that have been …
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