This book discusses the principles of infection control, including hand hygiene techniques, the use of personal protective equipment (PPE), and decontamination and sterilisation procedures. The aut…
This book provides guidance in planning and implementing evidence-based nursing care, which includes patient assessment, intervention, and evaluation. With a focus on improving quality of life and …
This book explains a general description of cardiovascular system disorders as well as a general description of the nursing process carried out for patients with cardiovascular disorders. As we kno…
This book is a comprehensive guide to providing first aid and performing Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) in emergency situations. The book is designed to equip readers with the basic knowledge …
Buku ini menjelaskan secara terperinci KIA dimaksud, guna membantu para mahasiswa kedokteran umum, keperawatan, kebidanan dan pascasarjana Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat.
Buku ini membahas; keadaan dan masalah perinatal, pengaruh kehamilan dan persalinan, asuahan keperawaran pada neonatus normal, asuhan keperawatan pada neonatus resiko tinggi.
Buku ini berisikan tentang manual prosedur-prosedur kedaruratan. Dilengkapi dengan gambar-gambar yang sangat informatif, berguna sebagai sumber rujukan standar dalam prosedur tindakan keperawatan d…