An immunomodulator is a substance that helps regulate or modify the immune system's activity. These substances can either stimulate the immune system to become more active (immunostimulants) or sup…
This book contains the discussion of Chapter Biology Scientific method Microscope Origin of living and non-living things Life organization system or cell Plant organization system Animal organizati…
The only reference that clarifies questions that may be asked about specific topics in evolutionary studies and explains terms used in these studies. In this book, readers will also find Practicum…
In this book, Vitamin Chemistry is described in detail, starting from the chemical structure of vitamins, names, physicochemical properties, units, stability, to changes that occur during processin…
This distinctive text was developed to stand apart from all other non-majors texts with a unique approach, unparalleled art, and a straightforward, succinct writing style that has been acclaimed by…
A number of practical features within the textbook enhance its usefulness for students. It's richly illustrated with figures that include new information and provide fresh perspective. Each chapter…
This book discusses the introduction of microbiological bacteria, pathogenesis, pathological abnormalities caused, clinical manifestations, supporting examinations, diagnosis, treatment and prevent…
This book contains antigens and antibodies, blood group system, blood donor administration system, blood processing technology, and blood transfusion reactions.
This protein book discusses the function and classification of proteins, protein constituent monomers in the form of amino acids, followed by the type and formation of protein structures related to…
This book specifically discusses PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction), which is an enzymatic method of DNA multiplication by adding a pair of oligonucleotides to be hybridized to DNA from two opposite d…