This book is compiled with the aim of providing guidelines for lecturers and midwifery students throughout Indonesia in implementing the teaching and learning process of pregnancy care. By understa…
Parasitology is the study of parasites, their hosts, and the relationship between the two. As a branch of biology, the scope of parasitology is not determined by the organism or the environment inv…
Handbook of Virology for Health Analysts is the first book compiled by health analyst educators and the first available for health analyst students. The contents adjust the teaching and learning ne…
This handbook provides comprehensive information on various laboratory and diagnostic tests, including procedures, interpretation, and clinical implications in nursing practice. Each section is car…
Zat gizi apa yang penting untuk menjamin kesehatan reproduksi? Reproduksi manusia membutuhkan zat gizi yang cukup. Asupan zat gizi harus diperhatikan agar mencapai kematangan seksual. Gizi seimbang…
Praktisi kesehatan yang merawat pasien penderita kanker atau infeksi HIV memainkan peran utama dalam menjamin bahwa pengkajian nutrisi dan intervensi nutrisi sesuai kebutuhan.